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Accessible Menu



In this exercise, we will be creating an accessible dropdown menu.

Introduction Video


Creating the HTML Video

  1. Open your Goats 'R Us website from last week.

  2. Build the top navigation links on index.html.

    1. Inside the <header>, add a <nav> element.
    2. Give the <nav> opening tag a ARIA attribute of aria-label="Main Menu"
  3. Create navigation items

    1. Create an unordered list with three list items inside the <nav> element.

      Tip: If using Visual Studio Code, try using the Emmet shortcut ul>li*3

    2. Add the role="menubar" to the <ul>.

      The role="menubar" is used when all choices/options are always visible on the screen.

    3. Add the role="none" to each <li>.

      This removes the default role of listitem for each <li>

    4. Add the below links for Home, Our Breeds, and Order Projects inside the appropriate <li>.

    5. Add the role="menuitem" in each anchor element.
    <!-- Main Menu -->
    <nav aria-label="Main Menu">
        <ul role="menubar">
            <li role="none"><a href="index.html" role="menuitem">Home</a></li>
            <li role="none"><a href="breeds.html" role="menuitem">Our Breeds</a></li>
            <li role="none"><a href="products.html" role="menuitem">Order Products</a></li>
  4. Create submenu items

    1. Add the ARIA attribute aria-haspopup="true" to the Order Products <a>

      The aria-haspopup="true" indicates the menu item has a submenu.

    2. Nest a second <ul> within the Order Products <li>

    3. Add aria-label="Product Sub-Menu" to the new <ul>

    4. Add attribute role="menu" to the new <ul>.

      The role="menu" is used when the user needs to invoke the menu items (the items are not visible by default).

    5. Add role="none" to each <li>

    6. Add the below links (not all pages exist, so I just placed a hashtag in place of a path).
    7. Add the role="menuitem" in each anchor element.
    <!-- Nested Sub Menu -->
    <ul aria-label="Product Sub-Menu" role="menu">
        <li role="none"><a href="#" role="menuitem">Goat Milk Soap</a></li>
        <li role="none"><a href="order/orderCheese.html" role="menuitem">Cheese</a></li>
        <li role="none"><a href="#" role="menuitem">Milk</a></li>
  5. View results

    1. In your CSS document, comment out the margin:0; and padding:0; styles applied to the body. You should see the below structure in your browser.

    2. If you don't see the below structure, go back and fix your mistake before continuing.

    3. Uncomment out the margin:0; and padding:0;.

    HTML portion of the menu results


Adding CSS - Part 1 Video

Adding CSS - Part 2 Video

  1. Style the top navigation links with the below CSS

      Main menu
    nav {
      background-color: #e3e3e5;
    ul {
      display: flex; /* Acts like a float */
      list-style: none;
      justify-content: center;
    li {
      background-color: #e3e3e5;
      position: relative;
    li:hover {
      background-color: #A4665E;
    li a {
      text-decoration: none;
      color: #000;
      display: block; /* need anchor element to be block so they take padding */
      padding: 1em;
    li a:hover {
      color: #fff;
  2. View Results

    The finished styles should look like the image below in your browser.

    Finished CSS Menu without submenu styles

Adjust the color transition

So the color transition isn’t too jarring, add a slight transition to the <li> element.

li {
    background-color: #e3e3e5;
    position: relative;
    transition-duration: 0.5s;

Show and hide the Submenu

  1. To access the submenu, we can use the DOM to target the nested <ul>. The display: none property will hide this navigation. And we are using some positioning properties to place the submenu in the correct spot.

      Sub menu
    ul li ul {
        position: absolute;
        min-width: 10.3em;
        margin-top: 0;
        left: 0;
        display: none;
  2. To show the submenu when the user hovers over the list item add the following styles. We are selecting the <ul> and its descendants that are descendants of a ul li on hover. The second selector is selecting the <ul> element itself.

    ul li:hover ul,
    ul li ul:hover {
        display: block;
  3. Finally, give the bottom right and left corners of our sub-navigation rounded corners.

    li ul li:last-child {
        border-bottom-left-radius: .5em;
        border-bottom-right-radius: .5em;
  4. View Results

    The finished menu should look like the image below.

    Finished Menu

Fixing the tab

We have a good-looking menu so far, but the tab key does not work in our submenu. Fortunately, we have a great new CSS pseudo selector, focus:within, that easily fixes this. We want to apply this to all the <li> elements within the submenu.

ul li:hover ul,
ul li ul:hover,  /* <------ ADD a comma */
ul li:focus-within ul { /* <------ ADD this line */
    display: block;

Challenge (extra 3 points)

  1. Navigate the menu with the tab key on your keyboard. Notice that the hover effects do not work (changing background and text color). How would you fix this?

  2. Update the navigation to include current page information for the screen reader and a visual indicator for sighted users. Only required for the Home, Our Breeds, and Our Products links.

Creating a skip link Video

  1. Create the link

    1. Add an id to the <main> element. Give it a value like "mainContent".
    2. Directly under the <body> element, create a link that goes to the <main> element by using the id you just created.
    3. Give the new link a class, something like skipLink.
  2. Move the link off the viewport

    We don’t want to use a display: none as then the screen reader will ignore the link. Instead of using the class selector, move the link off the page.

    .skipLink {
        position: absolute;
        left: -1000px;
  3. Move link when in focus or active state

    When the link is in the focus or active state, the element moves back to its original position.

    .skipLink:active {
        left: 0;

Add Navigation to All Pages

  1. Add the navigation & skip link to each page

    1. Copy the HTML navigation and paste it into the other pages.
    2. You will need to modify the link paths on the orderCheese.html page
    3. Copy the skip navigation HTML to each page


  1. Open the Week 13 folder in Blackboard

  2. Click on the Accessible Menu submission link.

  3. Compress (zip) the entire Goats 'R Us website and submit it to the Blackboard submission link.

  4. Click Submit.

Grading Criteria

Points Possible: 4

  • Correct and valid HTML (1 pt.)

  • Correct and valid CSS (1 pt.)

  • Keyboard Accessible (1 pt.)

  • Skip Link (1 pt.)

  • Challenge (+3 pts.)