“If we want users to like our software, we should design it to behave like a likable person: respectful, generous and helpful.”
‐ ALAN COOPER, Software Designer and Programmer
This course explores the fundamentals of UI and UX design principles with a focus on web accessibility for developers. You will investigate user-centered ideas and techniques to improve the usability of websites. Topics include user research, design elements, user workflows, and usability testing while relating them to the development process.
My name is Perry Govier (he/him), This will be my fourth semester teaching at Madison College. I began my professional career as a developer building apps and websites for agencies in Mineapolis. More recently, I was a developer at a local startup called Ionic for over 7 years. I love the intersection of software and design, which is what this class is all about!
When I'm not teaching I love to explore. Whether it's new places, technology, gadgets, food, people, ideas... I want to explore it all.
Instructor Information
- Office Hours: Book a meeting with me by email.
- Phone: (608) 616-1088
- Email:
Course Information
Course Number | 10-152-130 |
Credits | 3 |
Pre-requisite | C or better in Website Development 10-152-120 |
Textbook | None |
Supplies | An open and inquisitive mind |
Course website | |
Course Outcomes
- Collaborate in the user experience (UX) design process
- Conduce and interpret user research
- Diagram information hierarchy and user interaction
- Build desktop prototypes
- Evaluate user interface (UI) designs
- Investigate UI design trends and topics
- Explore inclusion and unconscious bias in the design and web development industry
- Build a color and type design system for a desktop website
- Build accessible HTML code
- Perform accessibility tests and correct errors
Digital Badges
In this course, you have the opportunity to earn two digital badges. One for web accessibility skills and one for teamwork. Employers near Madison College repeatedly state that these skills are essential--they need employees who can communicate, think critically, work as a team, and manage time. Learn more about Madison College Digital Badge Program including what they are, how they are earned, shared, and accepted. Rubrics for each badge are available in Blackboard, under My Grades.
Assignments in this class will include activities that allow you to demonstrate the skills for the following 2 badges.
Web Accessibility Fundamentals
Web Accessibility Fundamentals is evaluated during the last Unit of the course. A formal assessment in Blackboard and a coded project are completed by all students; however, if your score on both these items are of A quality (93% or higher), a digital badge in this skill will be issued.
You must earn a 93% or above on accessibility quiz in Unit 3.
You must earn a 93% or above on final project demonstrating full comprehension of course objectives.
Teamwork is evaluated during the first Unit during the team project. Teamwork is evaluated by your team members through observable behavior and performance. A peer assessment survey will be completed by every team member. An average score of 3.5 must be achieved in the peer assessment. The following items will be evaluated.
Work cooperatively to support common goals (quality work that is completed on time)
Contribute to group with ideas, suggestions, and effort
Complete own share of tasks necessary to complete a project
Empower team members by active listening and validating other's contributions and respected diversity.
Communicate effectively and actively participate. This includes introducing yourself to your team in week 2!
Technology Requirements
This course requires a PC or Mac with reliable Internet access. Blackboard is not fully mobile compatible; therefore, make sure you view the course on a computer using your browser (Chrome works best). A webcam and microphone are required for meeting with group members and the instructor if needed. For technical help or troubleshooting, phone (608) 243-4444 or toll-free (866) 277-4445.
If you do not have a computer or reliable Internet, please request a laptop or hot spot loan prior to the start of class at:
Course Applications
We will be using a variety of software during the semester. Please take notice of the purpose and use of each application.
- Weekly reading assignments
- Weekly videos
- Retrieve assignments and project specifications
- Monday morning announcements
- Assignment and project submissions
- Blackboard calendar
- Instructor feedback and grades
- Announcements
- Help, communications, and collaboration
- Get started with Slack
- Online-Live Meetings
- One-on-one meetings with instructor
- Get started with MS Teams
- Live voice chat and real-time collaboration
- Design tool (Design files)
- Discussion board (FigJam files)
- Get started with Figma
Each learning week begins on a Monday and concludes on a Sunday night.
Last semester, students reported spending between 5-8 hours on this course a week.
Weekly work includes reading the course website, watching videos, and includes one or more of the below activities.
Total Point Value: 265 (no points are weighted)
Check-in and Reflection
BEST BY Sundays by 11:59 DUE BY Unit end date Total Points: 25 Percent of Grade: 9%
- Each week contains a check-in & reflection to aid in project and course work throughout the semester.
- Check-ins and reflections will be accepted for points until the unit's last day (see Unit Due Dates). However, it is best submitted by Sunday for timely feedback from the instructor.
BEST BY Thursday by 11:59 DUE BY Sundays by 11:59 PM Total Points: 52 Percent of Grade: 20%
- Some weeks include a discussion prompt on an online whiteboard called a FigJam.
- FigJams will be accepted for points until the unit's last day (see Unit Due Dates). However, an initial post is best completed by Thursday. This gives everyone in the course time to read and respond to everyone’s ideas or brainstorms before Sunday.
- You can resubmit FigJams as many time as you like for full-credit.
BEST BY Sunday by 11:59 DUE BY Unit end date Total Points: 53 Percent of Grade: 20%
- Each week you will have a group or individual assignment based on the relevant course website material.
- Assignments will be accepted for points until the unit's last day (see Unit Due Dates). However, it is best submitted by Sunday for timely feedback from the instructor.
- You can resubmit assignments as many times as you like for full-credit.
Unit Projects
DUE BY Unit end date Total Points: 85 Percent of Grade: 32%
- There are a total of three projects: one for each unit.
- The first project is a group project, and the remaining are individual.
- Projects can only be submitted one time.
Important Note on Projects
Each project is a summation of all concepts that you should have mastered in that unit. You must demonstrate a level of competency on all those concepts. The assessment of that mastery is a passing grade (C or better) on each project. Therefore, you must receive a passing grade on each project to pass this course.
Unit Quizzes
DUE BY Unit end date Total Points: 50 Percent of Grade: 19%
- Each unit ends with a short quiz in Blackboard.
- You may take each quiz twice. The highest score is retained.
Due Dates
Running's ok! I believe in LIFElines not DEADlines.
Best By Dates
It is best to turn work in weekly. Turning in work each week allows you to receive timely feedback from me and gives you time to resubmit if you need to make corrections. Turing in the bulk of the unit work in at the end of the unit will result in less feedback from the instructor.
- Need More Time? If you need more time after the unit due date to complete your work, please let me know. We can work together to create a schedule that work for both the course and your current circumstance.
Unit Due Dates
In order to keep my grade book up-to-date, I will place a zeros for any missing course work for each unit at the Unit Due Dates listed below.
Unit 1: Sunday, October 8th at 11:59 PM
Unit 2: Sunday, November 5th at 11:59 PM
Unit 3: Wednesday, December 13th at 11:59 PM
Grading Criteria
Work in this course will be assessed on four levels of achievement. The grading criteria for each assignment is available in the course website. If you ever have questions on a score or grade, please let me know!
Achievement Level | Description |
Proficient | Excellent You have met or exceeded all the criteria for the assignment. |
Accomplished | Minor Revisions Needed You have met most of the criteria, but still have small areas to improve upon. |
Developing | Major Revisions Needed You are still working on building the skills to meet the assignment criteria. |
Beginning | Not Complete Enough to Assess You need to review and learn more about this criteria before acquiring these skills. |
Not Submitted | You did not submit substantial evidence to assess the work. |
Final Grades
The letter grades for this course are determined by the IT Grading Scale (below). To determine your percentage take the number of points you've earned and divide by the total number of points possible (265).
Grade | Percentage |
A | 92.0 - 100 |
AB | 88.0-91.9 |
B | 82.0-87.9 |
BC | 78.0-81.9 |
C | 70.0-77.9 |
D | 60.0-69.9 |
F | 00.0-59.9 |
Course Policies
If a situation arises that prevent successful completion of this course, it is your responsibility to formally withdraw from this course. You may withdraw from class until 90% complete. After that time, I am responsible for giving you a letter grade.
If you need to withdrawal from the course, go to myMadisonCollege and click on the "Classes" card. Then, select "Drop Classes" from the left navigation. To calculate a possible refund, select the "What-If Refund Calculator" in the left navigation.
My Commitment to You
Effort: I am passionate about teaching and want everyone to succeed. If you find yourself needing more support or assistance, please let me know.
Communication: I aim to reply to all questions within 24 to 48 hours.
Engagement: I look forward to building your knowledge this semester and will provide feedback on assignments within 7-10 days (usually within 4 days). I will ensure that you have ample time to review my feedback before the next assignment is due. I will provide substantive constructive feedback to help you achieve the course outcomes.
Honesty: I will provide honest, meaningful, and actionable feedback on your work to help you grow and succeed in the course.
My Expectations of You
Effort: I expect you to read and review all Announcements and course material, including watching videos, and reading materials. Do not miss out on information that relates to the successful completion of your assignments!
Communication: Please let me know if there is anything you need from me. Complete your check-ins and use them to connect with me.
Engagement: It is your responsibility to actively participate in class. You are expected to participate in FigJam boards and/or Teams by asking questions, answering questions, and participating in class activities and discussions.
Honesty: Anyone caught plagiarizing someone else’s work will be at risk of failing the plagiarized assignment or course. Please see the Student Academic Integrity Policy for more information.
Course Calendar
Please see the Course Calendar page.
Student Resources
We are all here to help you succeed!
Disability Resource
Madison College is committed to creating conditions that empower and support students with disabilities to reach their learning goals. The College ensures equal access to all academic programs and activities by offering qualified students reasonable accommodations and support.
In order to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations for your disability, you must contact the Disability Resource Services. If approved for accommodations, Disability Resource Services will provide you with an accommodation plan.
Students with questions regarding available accommodations and support should contact Disability Resource Services at 608-246-6716 or email (link sends e-mail).
If approved for accommodations, please share your accommodation plan with me as early as possible. If you feel your accommodation needs are not being met, please inform me or Disability Resource Services as soon as possible.
Equity and Inclusion Statement
This class will be a safe and affirming learning space for all students, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, citizen status, gender, sex, sexual orientation, parental status, religion, ability, or socioeconomic status. As an instructor, I pledge to respect all students based upon these factors, including the use of preferred names and pronouns, and encourage open communication. Students are welcome and encouraged to share any/all viewpoints relevant to course material, and respectful, relevant debate is encouraged, provided all materials for the day can still be covered.
Safe Space for All
Madison College is committed to providing a safe space for all students, employees and staff. Negative attitudes and fear during the COVID-19 pandemic can lead to discrimination against people and communities. Prejudiced behavior violates our values and our policies and should be reported. If you experience or observe harassment or discrimination, Madison College’s Harassment and Discrimination Policy outlines the procedure for filing a complaint. Madison College does not tolerate discrimination of any type. We strive to provide an educational environment free from harassment.
Mental Health Support
As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning. These might include strained relationships, anxiety, high levels of stress, alcohol/drug concerns, feeling down, or loss of motivation. Learn about the free, confidential mental health services available on campus by calling 608-246-6076 or visiting For afterhours mental health emergencies, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK, 911, Madison College Public Safety 608-243-2222, the Center for Suicide Awareness – text the word “Connect” to 741741, and for Dane County residents, Journey Mental Health Crisis Unit 608-280-2600.
Campus COVID-19 Updates
The safety of the Madison College community is our top priority. I encourage you to stay up to date on COVID-19 protocols found here
College Policies
Students have the right to know about Madison College including policies, protections, and outcomes. I encourage you to review the policies and guidelines relevant to Madison College students which are found here There are also college-wide classroom policies which can be found here
Syllabus Changes
I reserves the right to change the specifications, requirements, and due dates of course assignments and projects at any time. If any changes occur look for an announcement in Blackboard and/or Slack.