Cart Sort
Conduct a card sort study for your project website to understand how different users categorize information.
Optimal Workshop Account
Have ONE TEAM MEMBER create a free account with Optimal Workshop.
- Click the yellow Sign up button in the upper-right.
- Enter your first and last name
- User your Madison College email.
- Create a password.
- Select the Free Plan.
- Agree to Optimal Workshop's Terms of Service and Private Notice
Share the Username (email) and Password with your team members so you can all work on the same card sort study.
- You cannot work simultaneously in Optimal Workshop, but it's important that all team members have access to the study.
Once everyone has access to Optimal Workshop, create a new Card Sort study.
- Click on Studies in the top menu.
- Click on + Create study
Fill out study information
- Study type: OptimalSort - Card sorting
- Study name: Name this whatever makes sense for your team
- Project folder name: leave this blank
- Click Create study
Card Sort Setup
Cards tab
A minimum of 12 cards (the free plan limits you to 20 cards).
- If needed, refer to Optimal Workshop's Card Sorting 101 document for more information.
Under Options (on the right).
- You may add tooltip descriptions to some of your cards if you need additional information on the meaning of your card.
- Keep the other default options.
- Keep the card sort Open — Participants create and name their own categories
Message & Instructions tab
- You may add your own messages here, but it is not required.
Questionnaire tab
- Scroll down to the Pre-study questions section.
- Create three questions.
- Questions should help you understand your user. For example, perhaps you determine the age range. Or if you are doing a gym website, it may be important to ask your participate how often they exercise or if they have a membership.
- Make sure you use an appropriate question type, avoid Single line text or Multi-line text questions is possible.
- Keep questions simple and easy.
Settings tab
- The Study link is what you will be turning into Blackboard.
- Preview your study.
- Are all the cards self-explanatory? Or, do you need a tooltip description for clarity? Remember your participants won't know anything about the website.
- Open the Week 4 folder in Blackboard
- Click on the Card Sort (Draft) submission link.
- Under Comments, paste the study link under Settings or Recruit (it's the same link in both places).
- Click Submit.
I will review your cards and pre-study questions and let your team know if you need to revise anything before launching.
- If your card sort study is approved you will receive a notification in your Slack channel.
- Once I have approved your cards and pre-study questionnaire, you may launch your study by clicking the Launch button (yellow button in the above screenshot). You cannot change your study after it has been launched.
- For Project 1, your team must have 5 people participate in the study.
- Make sure to explain to your participants what to expect.
- Give them a time frame (probably 5 - 8 minutes depending on the number of cards you have).
- Give them a little background about your project and what a card study is.
Grading Criteria
Points Possible: 2
Cards At least 12 cards were created that represents the planned website content. Each card represents a concept or item that can be grouped.
Pre-study Questions Three pre-study questions were created. Each question aims to obtain relevant information about the user group.